In the deep of the forest we found you,
such a masterpiece can't be ignored,
so slowly we entered, admired and loved
every beautiful inch we explored.
Now a historical landmark,
you have served so long and so well.
If your planks and timbers could talk,
oh ! what wonderful tales they would tell.
The traveler found shelter within you
when nature brought snow, freezing cold.
Farm animals were kept from stampeding,
'cause you looked like their barn on the road.
Protecting the trains that crossed you
by keeping out rot from the spans,
was another job you performed well,
as your roof added strength, took a stand.
I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge
you provided many moments of bliss
to gentlemen who went courting
and in your sheltering arms stole a kiss.
© Candice W. Coghill, September, 2011
Photograph courtesy of Sandra Langdon-Wilson
© Candice W. Coghill, September, 2011
Photograph courtesy of Sandra Langdon-Wilson